Report a tree problem
We maintain trees in streets, parks and open spaces, cemeteries and on housing land.
You can report a problem about:
Fallen branch or tree
Overhanging branch
Before you start
Do not complete this form if the tree is:
We do not deal with:
Interference with satellite, TV or media reception
Interference on telephone line - it is quite normal for trees to touch wires, contact the telephone company instead
Mess caused by insects or birds
Honeydew or sticky sap falling onto cars or property
You will need
Photos of the tree, showing the whole tree and close-up (if you have any)
A map showing location of tree, if it’s not obvious.
Uploading supporting documents
We will ask you to upload photos of the tree (if you have any) and a map showing location of tree, if it’s not obvious.
Accepted file types: Word (docx), Acrobat (pdf), Excel (xlsx), Plain text (txt)
Zip files can't be uploaded
We also accept photos taken on phones and tablets and the following image file types - jpeg, gif, png
There is a maximum individual file size per document of 50MB.
What happens next
We will investigate within 20 working days.
Please check My Transactions for updates.
This form should take approximately six minutes to complete.